Fun site. This one in particular gets me, as does the American penchant for not calling toilets toilets. In houses they are a half bathroom. Restaurants have restrooms (a room you do not rest in) or bathrooms (a room that has no bath).
If you are at all geeky then NLee the Engineer does fantastic product reviews on Amazon. They are usually about batteries and torches, and are disassembled, measured etc. He'll even wait months to verify that low self discharge batteries are indeed that.
Category: gplus – Tags: recommendation
For some truly bizarre reason you cannot rotate images within {Libre,Open}Office Writer. You can solarize, age them, make them charcoal sketches but not rotate! The relevant ticket will be celebrating its tenth birthday soon.
I have one of the panes of my Android phone launcher filled with icons for Google products. Finally getting on + meant I had to delete one to make space for the Google+ app icon.
It ultimately turned out to be an easy decision - I dumped Voice Search in the bin. Voice recognition, be it Google's or the ones companies use for their phone systems always seem to be an elaborate practical joke to me with their accuracy indistinguishable from picking random words. It never saves time or interaction. Everyone I ask says substantially the same thing, yet they must work for someone somewhere else why bother?