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On defaults

I've been wondering what best practise for handling defaults is. In software there are generally 3 values: zero, one, or many. As a consequence developers often pick a sensible number for "many", and allow configuration to change it.

Eventually defaults permeate the code, settings, user interfaces, product documentation, user forums, and search engine results. It spreads not from a single source of truth that tracks and propagates changes, but by being arbitrarily copied between systems.

As time passes, the default values need to change due to circumstances and experience. New features make existing values need refinement, while new interactions complicate matters.

The usual solution is to bump the major version and have humans, code, and documentation deal with changes. The effort of doing major version upgrades especially all the setting changes is what makes so many of us resistant to do major version upgrades.

Starting software after a version upgrade is always a pain. Sometimes you are pleasantly surprised that it just works, but usually the logs are full of complaints about settings, things that previously worked no longer working and general yak shaving.

Postfix has a compatibility level to help defer the effort after a major version upgrade, but you are still on the hook for the upgrade changes.

An anti-pattern is software that generates an initial config file for you. It does have a very short path between default settings and the generated config file, usually including comments and explanations in that file. This is fantastic to start with.

But it causes problems in time. The settings, comments and explanations become wrong. Looking at a config file that is a few years old is an exercise in archaeology and contradictions, requiring consulting the file, warning/error messages, logs, wikis, and other documentation.

So far the best I have is to prefer more 'automatic' settings, and keep the number of settings to a minimum.

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